There are two ways to interpret the heading - who are Regional Podversations and what are regional podversations?
Who are Regional Podversations?
Regional Podversations is a part of Podversations - a small media company, based in regional Victoria. Unsurprisingly, our business is to create podversations that feature people and organisations that are based in regional Australia.
We have been involved in broadcasting since 2007 and, since 2014, we have been creating podcasts for ourselves and for a small group of clients. We know - and love - regional Australia and we know how to present stories in a way that real people can relate to. Our Regional Podversations clients are exclusively located outside of the capital city metro areas , representing just under 40% of the Australian population.
What are regional podversations?
There are a number of different podcast styles and a number of different reasons why individuals and organisations create podcasts. Many podcasts are created so that the presenter(s) can display deep knowledge of a particular topic and are often "in the moment" podcasts - that is current news, current trends, current issues, etc. Others are developed to promote a product or service, often disguised as the previous type of podcast - for example, financial experts promoting their services by presenting a weekly financial update.
But our favourite podcasts are the conversational podcasts - the ones where a couple of presenters have a conversation about something. It is almost like eavesdropping on a conversation between two friends.
Podversation is a term we use to describe these conversational-style podcasts. We create a range of different podversational podcasts and even produce a radio show based on the same premise.
As the name would suggest, Regional Podversations are conversational-style podcasts with a regional theme. We love creating them and our audiences love listening to them.
We can see a few great applications for Regional Podversations - maybe these ideas or something similar could help your engagement activities with your customers or your local community:
- Local government podversations - a local shire / council working with us to create a regular podversation series to engage with local residents and businesses, with people who used to live locally and have moved elsewhere and even families and businesses looking to relocate to your region. In some ways, it's the new way to create your local newsletter or newspaper.
- Professional associations or peak bodies - an organisation or association that supports regional activities (e.g. agriculture, regional businesses, traders associations, etc) interacting with its members using a podversation series rather than email.
Would you rather read what John or Joanne said ... or hear them say it? - Storytellers - everybody has a story and, from our experience, the very best story tellers are based in regional Australia. Sure, you don't hear about them often enough - after all, the mainstream media are based in the big cities and tend to feature stories from there. But, they are there - it is the entire premise upon which we have built The Regional 250, our flagship podversation series.
Want to know more?
Of course you do!
We have outlined a number of standard Regional Podversations packages on our Pricing page. That might give you a few ideas. It might even describe exactly how you see us helping and working with you.
Either way, we'd love to have a no-obligation chat with you about how we could work with you, to increase the engagement you have with your community. Please reach out via our Contact page.